Presidents Day Weekend 2020!
We’re doing it again! Get ready and get excited about spending five amazing days with your Single Friends 31+ in FABULOUS Las Vegas!
Hey Friends, Let’s Do it Again!
Singles of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints from all across the globe long enjoyed the tradition of coming together in FABULOUS Las Vegas over the extended Presidents Day weekend.
We have good news! Read on for details…
For more than 40 years, Vegas hosted what was arguably the best Single Adult Conference for Latter-day Saint singles 31 and over. With attendance typically exceeding 1000 participants from far and near, many dear friendships formed and several marriages came to pass!
The camaraderie of like-minded Singles engaged in mixers, Temple worship, dances, workshops, hikes, bonfires, after-parties and more presented a rare treat for us to enjoy. Ask any who were there… the Spirit was strong as Heavenly Father blessed our wonderful conference.
The End of an Era?
These conferences were a labor of love directed by local church leaders, organized by a dedicated committee set apart for the task, and supported by Stakes within the Las Vegas area.
The decision in 2017 to no longer continue these conferences came as a sad blow to the Singles who loved and appreciated them. The undertaking of putting on a singles conference is a colossal effort that requires countless hours and hard work consecrated by those involved. Relieving that burden most likely factored heavily into the decision to end this yearly event.
But we loved our conference! So…
A few of us decided to create a special event to carry on the tradition!
Last year we put on a Presidents Day weekend celebration that brought back a lot of the magic. And for 2020 we’re doing it again!
While no longer an “official” activity of the Church, our group of volunteers are working in conjunction with stakes that are not “sponsoring” but are supporting our efforts.
Presidents Day Weekend 5-day Celebration for the Singles!
For 2020, we’re excited to announce a performance by some VERY SPECIAL GUESTS…
our Musical Headliners…

The Jets enjoyed worldwide success during the 1980s, producing 8 top-ten hits and performing 3 world tours!
From Minneapolis, originally from the South Pacific island country of Tonga, this Latter-day Saint family of musicians came into fame with a string of Pop and R&B hits including “You Got It All”, “Crush on You”, “Cross My Broken Heart”, “Rocket 2 U”, and “Make It Real”.
We’re blessed to have them be a part of our event as they perform a Very Special Musical Devotional on Sunday night!


Mac McIntire
International Business Management Consultant and Author
Mac McIntire is the president of INNOVATIVE MANAGEMENT GROUP, a management training and consulting firm based in Las Vegas. Mac has been in the training and organizational development field for over 30 years. He has consulted with many Fortune 100 and Global 500 companies throughout the world; including such firms as Nippon Steel, Nissan Motors, Bridgestone Rubber, GoldStar, Samsung, NASA, American Express, Kellogg, Lockheed, ITT, Westinghouse and other companies. He specializes in the areas of strategic and organizational effectiveness, quality improvement, customer service and teamwork.
Mac is an author of four management books and a contributing author to four other books. He has also written almost 200 articles on management topics and is noted for his innovative approaches to personal and professional development.
Mac’s Management Books:
Stepping Forward Together: Creating Trust and Commitment in the Workplace
The Accountable Manager: Mastering the Eight Core Competencies of Management
The General Manager’s Handbook
The Manager’s Playbook: The Five Fundamentals of Management
Mac McIntire is a member of the Charleston Ward in the Las Vegas Stake. He has served in numerous church leadership positions, including as a counselor in a mission presidency, two bishoprics, and a branch presidency. He has been an Elder’s Quorum president five times and a Young Men president three times. He also has taught seminary and gospel doctrine classes. He currently is the Gospel Doctrine instructor in his ward. He and his wife are currently serving as service missionaries for BYU-Idaho. They have one son, who is deceased, and have lived in Las Vegas for 30 years.
He is the author of the book entitled How to Create a Survivor’s Journal: Preparing Your Family for Your Death or Disability, and has given numerous firesides and Relief Society presentations on Personal Preparedness, Personal Development and other topics.

Stephen Studdert
Corporate Executive Advisor and Former White House Staff Advisor
Stephen Studdert is an executive advisor for corporations, industries, and government officials, and has served on the White House staff as advisor to United States presidents George H. W. Bush, Ronald Reagan, and Gerald Ford.
Today, he works as a strategic solutions advisor to governments and private enterprise worldwide. In 2007, he published America in Danger, a book that outlines ten national and international situations with the potential to cause serious social, emotional, financial, and physical damage to the American people.
Bro. Studdert headed the national Native American Housing Initiative from 1985 to 1995.
He has served on the executive committee of the Boy Scouts of America’s National Parks Council. He has been honored for his service by the National Guard, the Boy Scouts of America, the U.S. Secret Service, the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration, the U.S. Department of Defense, Farm Bureau, and Prevent Blindness Utah.
In the church, Bro. Studdert has served as a Stake President in the Washington DC area, as a mission president in Carlsbad, California and has served on the Preach My Gospel writing committee and the Mount Timpanogos Utah Temple Open House and Dedication committee.
He is presently serving a special assignment mission. He and his wife, Bonnie, are the parents of six children.
Mingle! Service! Fun!

Temple Worship!
Join with us for one or both of our planned temple sessions at the BEAUTIFUL Las Vegas Temple.
Can’t make it to the temple? Join us at the Hollywood & Kell meeting house for a special fireside especially for you Thursday night!
We’ll have a mingle party afterwards for everyone to meet up at the same location!
Check the schedule for details!

Service Project!
Saturday morning we’ll be pitching in at the Master Gardener Orchard – University of Nevada Cooperative Extension!
Excess fruits and vegetables produced at the center are given to charitable organizations for feeding the hungry.
We’ll start at 10 am and contribute our help by cleaning up and mulching around the trees.

Great Food & More Entertainment!
We’ll have a delicious catered dinner for everyone Saturday evening, followed by professional Polynesian dancers!
Remember the cupcakes we had last year? We’ll have them for you again for 2020!
After dinner you’re sure to enjoy our exciting, colorful show provided by Las Vegas Hula!
They’ll be treating us to traditional dances of Hawaii, Tahiti, New Zealand, Fiji and Samoa.

Dancing! Karaoke! Games!
2 Nights of Dancing, Singing, and Games!
Come get your groove on! We’ll have a dance Friday and Saturday night beginning at 9 pm.
Each dance will include a professional DJ and Karaoke! For those who just want to chill, you can hang out in the game room.
We’ll also have dance instruction at 8 pm Friday night! Professional dancer/choreographer Rene Delgadillo will teach us some sweet moves.

Parties & Mingle Activities!
As you can see, you’ll have ample opportunities to mingle with friends old and new!
In addition to what we’ve already mentioned, we have a few more surprises in store for you…
Keep an eye on our schedule for details!
For those looking for more things to do in Vegas, for example to fill the time during the day on Friday, take a look at the list of extras we’ve put together. They’re listed on a special pdf flyer you can download by clicking here:

This year we’ll be hiking Pine Creek Canyon on Monday morning at Red Rock!
Pine Creek Canyon offers some of the best of the Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area–beautiful and diverse plant communities nestled at the bottom of monolithic canyon walls.
We’ve hiked this canyon before, and it was one of our favorite and most popular hikes!
We’ll meet at the parking lot in front of Best Buy 10950 W. Charleston Blvd at 8 am. Bring appropriate clothing for the season, good hiking shoes, and some water.
3 Easy Steps to Join the Fun…
1. Join the event by making your $30 contribution.
(covers EVERYTHING including Saturday night Dinner and Entertainment)
2. Mark yourself “Going” on our Facebook event page!
This is also your place to find last-minute changes and updates to our schedule …
3. Invite all your Single Friends!
You can help us spread the word about this event… by telling your friends about it face to face, by sharing it on social media, or by downloading our flyer!
- Print it!
- Post it!
- Share it!
Unless otherwise stated on the schedule, all activities will be held at
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
3200 N Mustang St, Las Vegas, NV 89108
Thursday Feb 13
- 6:30 pm Temple Endowment Session! Las Vegas Nevada Temple 827 Temple View Dr, Las Vegas, NV 89110
- 7:00 pm Temple Fireside! by David Lopez on “Understanding the Logic of Temples and Symbols” at a church building near the Temple at 1825 N. Hollywood Blvd. 89156
- 8:00 pm Social Mingle for All! following the Temple Fireside at the same N. Hollywood & Kell location!
Friday Feb 14
- Daytime activities! Get together with old and new friends and explore (wholesome) fun in Vegas! Nothing official planned for Friday morning or early afternoon, but here’s a flyer you can view/print out for ideas… LIST OF EXTRA VEGAS ACTIVITIES (pdf)
- 5:00 pm Ethel M Chocolates Factory’s 6th Annual “Lights of Love” Celebration! Stroll through the three-acre cactus garden with half a million lights twinkling. Meet in front, just outside the glass tasting room. After, we’ll take their tour. FREE Admission for all of it! LOCATION: 2 Cactus Garden Drive, Henderson, NV 89014
- 6:00 pm (approximate time) pay-your-own dinner follwing the Ethel M tour at the Black Bear Diner, 2751 N Green Valley Pkwy, Henderson, NV 89014
- 7:00 pm On-site Registration opens (main location)
- 8:00 pm Dance Instruction! Professional dancer/choreographer Rene Delgadillo will teach us some sweet moves! (main location)
- 9:00 pm Dance! Karaoke! Game Room! Photo Op! (main location)
Saturday Feb 15
- 10:00 am – 12:00 pm Service Project! Master Gardener Orchard – University of Nevada Cooperative Extension! Excess fruits and vegetables produced at the center are given to charitable organizations for feeding the hungry. We’ll contribute our help by cleaning up and mulching around the trees.
LOCATION: 4600 Horse Dr, Las Vegas, NV 89131 - Lunch with Friends! (pay your own) Time & location TBA
- 1:30 pm Temple Endowment Session! Las Vegas Nevada Temple 827 Temple View Dr, Las Vegas, NV 89110
- 4 pm – 6 pm Our Keynote Speakers… Stephen M. Studdert & Mac McIntire! (main location)
- 6:30 pm Catered Dinner! We have the same caterer! remember the cupcakes?! (main location)
- 8:00 pm After-dinner Entertainment! Provided by Las Vegas Hula! We’ll enjoy an exciting, colorful show filled with traditional dances of Hawaii, Tahiti, New Zealand, Fiji and Samoa! (main location)
- 9:00 pm Dance! Karaoke! Game Room! Photo Op! Dessert Den! (main location)
Sunday Feb 16
- 12:30pm Sacrament Service – Las Vegas Single Adult Ward (Ages 31-45) 6601 W Twain Ave, Las Vegas, NV 89103
- 7:00 pm A Very Special Music Devotional with Worldwide Hit Recording Artists THE JETS! (main location)
Monday Feb 17
- 8:00 am Hike! We’ll be hiking Pine Creek Canyon at Red Rock! This is was one of our favorite and most popular hikes… it’s certainly one you don’t want to miss! We’ll meet to car pool at the parking lot in front of Best Buy 10950 W. Charleston Blvd at 8 am. Bring appropriate clothing for the season, good hiking shoes, and some water.
- 1:00 pm Lunch at Sweet Tomatoes! (pay your own) 9460 W Flamingo Rd ste 100, Las Vegas, NV 89147
- 6:30 pm – 9:30 pm Family Home Evening & Potluck Dinner! President David Lopez will speak on Positive Mental Attitude and it’s effect in our exaltation. 485 Mission Dr, Henderson, NV 89015
Updates & Last-minute Changes
Bookmark this website and check back often for updates to the activities and schedule!
Website last updated: Friday, 2/14/2020 @ 7:40 pm PST
And please be sure to visit our Facebook Event page and check the comment section for the latest news, discussion, questions and answers…